SD APA Board Section Director Elect Position is Open

The San Diego Section of the American Planning Association (SDAPA) Board of Directors (Board) announces that the position of Section Director Elect is open, which is an elected officer pursuant to the SDPA Bylaws. We are required by our by-laws to email the Section members notification of the elected open positions and the nomination process. The following describes the nomination process:

An Election Committee, of not less than three (3) Section members not running for the elected office(s) shall be appointed by the Section Director, subject to approval by the SDAPA Board (Board). The Election Committee shall be responsible for nominating candidates for elected office, administering the election, and tallying the vote. The Election Committee shall be chaired by the Immediate Past Section Director.

The Election Committee shall nominate at least one (1) candidate for each elected office. The names of said nominated candidates shall be submitted to the Board. In seeking candidates, the Election Committee shall strive to reflect, to extent possible, the diversity of the San Diego Section membership.

In addition, the membership shall have the opportunity to submit name(s) for nomination as candidates for elected Section Officers by petition containing the signatures of not less than five percent of Section members eligible to vote. Said petition shall be submitted to the Section Board by January 2, 2024. The names of persons eligible to hold office and nominated by petition or the Election Committee shall be placed on the ballot for election.

The term of office of the Section Director shall be for four (4) years in total, commencing on January 1 of an even-numbered year and shall serve one (1) year as Director Elect, two (2) years as Director, and one (1) year as Past Director.

Eligibility requirements are as follows:

Those eligible to be nominated for Elected Officer positions shall be members in good standing of the San Diego Section who reside or work within the Section area, excluding Student members.

For more information about the SDAPA, Board, and voting procedures, please see the SDAPA’s by-laws.


Meet your SDAPA Board Member: Sue Peerson, Academic and CPF Liaison