Diversity Equity Inclusion
Planners work with diverse groups to find a common and encompassing community vision. Diversity within the profession is essential to this work, and American Planning Association (APA) members are committed to fostering such diversity.
The San Diego Section of the American Planning Association is committed to diversity and equity. APA San Diego’s Membership Inclusion Director is responsible for coordinating Section activities and educating members to better serve diverse communities, as well as collaborating with the other Membership Inclusion Directors of the APA California Chapter on the annual Diversity Summit held during the APA California state conference.
SDAPA DEI Initiatives
Pass the Mic
Planning for All
Learning By-Right
Diversity Equity Inclusion Committee Work
Our committee is responsible for coordinating section activities and educating members to better serve diverse communities, as well as collaborating with the other Membership Inclusion Directors of the APA California Chapter on the annual Diversity Summit held during the APA California state conference
SDAPA Planning Related CBOs Serving Diverse Populations:
Casa Familiar
Circulate San Diego
City Heights Community Development Corporation
Groundwork San Diego
Environmental Health Coalition
Logan Heights Community Development Corporation
MAAC Project
Mid City CAN
NAACP San Diego Environment Committee
Pueblo Planning
Project New Village
Resident Leadership Academy
San Diego City College Audobon Club
San Diego National Organization of Minority Architects
San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition
Sister Cities Project
Urban Collaborative Project
APA California Programs
One of the key goals of APA California is to encourage a diverse membership and to provide support to all who would like to participate in APA and work in the planning field. The Chapter’s Strategic Plan 2022-25 considers inclusion and diversity as one of its guiding values and principles.
APA California sponsors a Diversity Summit at the APA annual conference to highlight various issues that are of particular concern to communities of color, LGBTQIA community and the accessibility community. A Diversity Mixer is also sponsored by APA California at the conference to provide an excellent networking opportunity for members and provide a forum to discuss how members can get involved in Chapter activities.
In addition, each of the State’s Sections also have a Board position aimed that fulfilling the State’s diversity-related goals and provide a number of diversity programs and participation options.
APA California Land Acknowledgment Policy
The APA California Chapter Board recognizes Native American tribes as traditional stewards of the land. State- and Section-initiated and/or sponsored events (webinars, conference sessions and other events) shall begin with a land acknowledgement that acknowledges the stewardship of the tribes where the activities are being held.
APA National Programs
DEI Commitment
How You Can Get Involved
Voices of Equity in Planning
Equity in Practice Case Studies
Equity and Certifications
“We need to be creative about how to recreate places; in a way that focuses on people who have historically been underserved.”
- Marcella Bondie Keenan, ACIP, Member, EDI Committee